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Healing from Within: Facts About Stem Cell Therapy Basic Properties, Procedures, and Treatments

Monday, August 19, 2024

Cells are life’s building blocks. Stem cell therapy uses these natural healers to regenerate and restore damaged tissues. 

Adult stem cell therapy is one of the most common stem cell treatments accessible today. Here’s a closer look at what it does and how it fits into the bigger picture of stem cell therapy. 

What is Adult Stem Cell Therapy Good For? 

Adult repair stem cell therapy uses mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) collected from the umbilical cord. It promotes the healing process of skin, ligaments, cartilage, muscles, tendons, and other vital structures. 

Activating adult repair stem cells can be a natural process. Regular physical activity combined with a good diet supports stem cell health. But if you prefer a boost, specific therapies can help enhance stem cell function. 

The more stimulated stem cells, the higher their numbers at the injury site. It can help expedite healing, ease pain, and improve overall function. Read on to learn more about its benefits, procedures, and applications. 

3 Key Facts About Adult Stem Cell Therapy 

We’ve listed 3 facts about adult stem cell treatment and its counterparts to help you find personalized solutions.  

1. Stem Cell Types 

Stem cell therapy uses three main types of stem cells: multipotent, hematopoietic, and pluripotent.  


Adult stem cells are the body’s built-in repair team in general. Multipotent or mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) work in targeted departments. MSCs are isolated adult stem cells that differentiate into specific cells, including bone, cartilage, and fat.  

The body doesn’t produce many of these tissue-specific cells. For instance, you’ll require pancreatic stem cells to help repair damaged pancreas. They also age along with the donor. Thus, they become less potent, leading to slower healing and prolonged recovery times. 


Hematopoietic stem cells are the body’s blood cell factory. Collected from the bone marrow, these cells can help treat blood-related and immune system issues.  

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) only approves hematopoietic stem cell transplants (a.k.a. bone marrow transplants) as of today. Other stem cell treatments are still experimental and offered through clinical trials or under compassionate use programs. 


Pluripotent stem cells, or embryonic stem cells, are the youngest stem cell type used in regenerative medicine today. These stem cells derived from donated blastocysts (i.e., early-stage embryos) can differentiate into over 200 specialized cells. 

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2. Stem Cell Treatment Procedures 

Stem cell adult therapy collects (i.e., through liposuction or blood draw) and re-injects MSCs from and into your body. Though it can be effective, it can cause discomfort and pain. 

The process triggers inflammation as your body responds to the treatment. For liposuction, researchers identified the most common long-term issue is uneven, lumpy contouring. 

Exercise caution when choosing treatment or provider. Adult stem cell therapy in Mexico, for instance, has been recently linked to hazardous practices. Investigations uncovered infections after receiving embryonic stem cell injections at poorly regulated clinics. 

Some clinics also utilize frozen umbilical cord stem cells from third parties. Thawing kills most of these cells, rendering treatments ineffective.  

At Stemaid, we’ve been cultivating pluripotent stem cells in our lab for over 20 years. They don’t age or die. They’ll enter and exit your body, leaving no risk or complication. 

3. Stem Cell Therapy Applications 

Adult stem cell therapy is limited only to repairing bone, cartilage, tissues, and muscles. Meanwhile, hematopoietic cell treatments can help fight blood diseases like leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma. 

Both these types reside in specific microenvironments or “niches” within tissues. Thus, their regenerative capabilities are often restricted to the tissue or organ from which they originate.  

Pluripotent stem cells, on the other hand, can help address diverse medical conditions. These include COVID-19, early cancer treatment, skin conditions, spinal cord problems, degenerative diseases, and more. 

Experience chronic pain relief or manage your existing condition at Stemaid. Our comprehensive care integrates assessment, testing, detoxification, restorative IVs, and custom nutrient protocols to optimize healing outcomes. 

Read our client’s success stories, or book your free consultation today. 

Disclaimer: Stemaid doesn’t treat cancer. If you need cancer care, we’re happy to refer you to our local oncologists who can help. 

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